Haydock Medical Centre
Local Mental Health Resources
Mental health patient crisis line
The number for the crisis line is 01925 275 309 or 0800 051 1508 This is a public line for anyone who is experiencing a mental health crisis or for someone who is concerned about someone they know to receive urgent support and advice.
Online counselling and wellbeing support for 11-25-year olds.
Online counselling and wellbeing support for 26+ year olds.
St Helens Wellbeing Service
01744 371111 and ​ chcp.sthelens@nhs.net
St Helens Wellbeing service makes it easier to access a wide range of healthy living and wellbeing support through a ’one stop shop’.
Healthy eating, getting active, weight management, stop smoking, social wellbeing, mental wellbeing, baby feeding and more - with services available online during coronavirus outbreak.
Halton and St Helens VCA
01744 457100
Halton & St Helens VCA is an infrastructure organisation that provides advice, information and development support services to voluntary, community, not-for-profit and faith organisations and volunteers in the boroughs of St Helens and Halton.
St Helens Citizen’s Advice Bureau
01744 737866
The service helps people resolve their legal, money and other problems by providing free, independent and confidential advice.
Ways to Work
Call: 01744 676131
Email: waystowork@sthelens.gov.uk
The Ways to Work team have a huge amount of experience in supporting people back into work. They have close links with businesses and organisations across the borough of St Helens.
Listening Ear provides a bereavement counselling service (Butterflies Service) for Children and Young People aged 17 and under in St Helens. All sessions (which are 50 minutes long) are currently being delivered to clients aged 11+ using either telephone or video counselling. For younger children, Listening Ear can work with parents and carers to enable support of a young child’s mental health at home. To make a new referral, complete a simple online form at:
Call: 0330 088 9255
Email: amparo.service@listening-ear.co.uk
Offers emotional and practical support for anyone affected by suicide. Listens to your needs and assists you in accessing the support you need, whilst helping with a range of practical matters such as: dealing with police and coroners; helping with media enquiries; preparing for and attending inquest and helping you to access other, appropriate, local support services.
Barbara Bettle Foundation
Call: 0151 289 2761
Email: hannah.sowery@caringconnections.org.uk
The Barbara Bettle Foundation supports residents of the Merseyside community who have been affected by suicide, and raise awareness of support services/ community programmes for individuals whom maybe feeling suicidal.
Arts on Prescription
Call: 07745590698
Email: helen@creativealternatives.org.uk
Creative Alternatives is funded by Public Health, to provide creative activities as an alternative or as an addition to standard treatments, for people who experience mild to moderate depression, anxiety or stress.
Able Futures
0800 321 3137
For anyone who is employed, self-employed or an apprentice, including anyone who has been furloughed, and who needs advice and guidance about anything that is affecting their mental health in these challenging times.
Carers Centre
01744 675615
Support for both young and adult carers to recognise their own needs, have their voices heard and help with their physical and mental wellbeing.
St Helens Mind
Call: 01744 647089
Email: admin@sthelensmind.org.uk
St Helens Mind aims to promote and preserve good mental health and to assist those experiencing mental distress to regain their full potential. They support people aged 18+ who are experiencing mental health difficulties in St Helens Borough, so they achieve their full potential and play an active part in community life.
Local and national bereavement support
Faith groups
https://www.sthelens mosque.co.uk/
Local faith groups
Community and peer to peer groups
https://www.sthelens gateway.info/
Local community groups – St Helens Gateway
Kind to Your Mind
0800 0511508
24/7 crisis support line and self-care apps
Local and national support numbers
Text: FRONTLINE to 85258
Call: 0300 131 7000
24/7 text support service for social care and health staff who are working on the frontline right now. Samaritans' dedicated confidential support line 7am–11pm every day of the week
Stay Alive
Useful information and tools to help you stay safe in crisis.
Papyrus – Hopeline UK
Call: 0800 068 4141
Text: 07860039967
Email: pat@papyrus-uk.org
Having thoughts of suicide or are concerned about a child and young person under 35 years old.
Every Mind Matters
https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind- matters/
Expert advice and practical tips online to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing. Direct links to crisis support.